Product Liability

As a consumer, you expect that the products that are on store shelves are safe for you and your family to use. For the most part, that is a true statement. However, a variety of circumstances can occur to make a product unsafe for use, and it is not uncommon for these products to end up in a consumer’s home. Dangerous and defective products can cause substantial and even catastrophic injuries. If you believe you were injured by a defective product, it is imperative that you contact a personal injury attorney as quickly as possible to secure your right to financial restitution for your injuries.


Examples of products that often fail, causing injuries, include:


  • Airbags or seat belts that malfunction or do not operate properly
  • Gas tanks that are improperly manufactured and catch fire or explode during an accident
  • Defective chairs, ladders and scaffolding that collapses
  • Power tools or other machinery that malfunction
  • Over the counter and prescription medication that is dangerous
  • Baby products that pose a threat to the safety of infants and children

At the Law Firm Of Dykeman & Rosenthal, we can investigate your case and determine who is responsible for your injuries and can help you hold them accountable for their actions. We can help you speak up about a defective product, so no one else is hurt by the product again. Call the Law Firm Of Dykeman & Rosenthal today to discuss your case. We are here for you. (859) 745-1700.